Magnets & Industrial Magnetic Equipment
ALPHA MAGNETICS PTY LTD manufactures Industrial Magnetic Equipment for Tramp Metal Removal & Product Purification in Food, Agricultural, Industrial & Mining processes.
Alpha Magnetics Pty Ltd also stock Rare Earth Magnets (Neodymium), Ferrite Ceramic Magnets & Alnico Magnets suitable for all industrial & business purposes. Our Magnetic Separation Equipment includes Magnetic Tubes, Magnetic Grates, Magnetic Plates & other Tramp Metal Magnets.
Magnetic Separation Equipment

Magnetic Separators for Tramp Metal Removal & Product Purification: Magnetic Tubes, Grates, Plates, Liquid Traps and more…
Other Magnetic Equipment

Magnetic Sweepers, Magnetic Tools & Accessories, Magnetic Conveyor Components, Magnetic Printing Cylinders.
Established in Melbourne for over 32 years, Alpha Magnetics Pty Ltd is the Australian licensed manufacturer of Bunting Magnetics Co., USA & locally manufactures a range of their permanent magnetic equipment. This includes Magnetic Separators, Magnetic Sweepers, Magnetic Pulleys & other Magnetic Conveyor components.
For the food industry, we also offer a magnetic equipment testing service to test the strength of your magnets. This can be done at our factory or at your site (if it is in Victoria).
Our location in Melbourne's eastern suburbs allows quick delivery for stock magnets. Bulk & on-going scheduled orders are catered for. Counter Sales to trade and the public are available from the Main Roller Door of our Factory 8:15 to 5pm Monday to Friday only.